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To configure OAuth client, we need install oauth support.

pip install 'fastapi-fastauth[oauth]'

After that we need create OAuth model and OAuthRepository. Then create BaseAuthManager and init FastAuth.

OAuth Client

OAuth2 router required BaseOAuth client, we need choose provider and init it client. For example, let's choose github provider and create client

from httpx_oauth.clients.github import GitHubOAuth2

github_client = GitHubOAuth2("CLIENT_ID", "CLIENT_SECRET_KEY")

After that we can pass it to router

OAuth router

To get oauth router you need to setup OAuth client, and pass it to router. If you also have RBAC support, you need to set True in default_role, or role codename if you don`t want to use FastAuthConfig.USER_DEFAULT_ROLE

from .oauth import github_client

    auth_router.get_oauth_router(github_client, default_role=True),